Development / Front Ends Dia-AV is written in Visual Basic 6 for MS Windows XP. The project's purpose is to provide a program for organising your slide, CD or musicfile collection. Creating a Server Component with.. - Jupiter Media Corporation Creating a Server Component with Visual Basic is an ASP tutorial through which users can gather more information about generating server components, advantages of using the server side component, methods to utilize the component in right way,.. Creating ActiveX Server Components in.. - Dev Guru. Creating ActiveX Server Components in Visual Basic is an ASP based article which concentrates on generating ActiveX server component, which performs various tedious operations. In this article author describes about the procedure to execute and.. Developing Web Applications with.. - John Alexander, Billy Hollis The must-have book for experienced Visual Basic developers who need to build enterprise-level Web applications / Written by two well-known and respected Microsoft insiders, this book is essential for today?s VB developer who is tasked with.. Introduction to Exception Handling in.. - Microsoft Corportation Introduction to Exception Handling in Visual Basic .NET is a tutorial which gives the issues and its solution. This article explains the difference in between an error and exception. The methods of exception handling along with user's alternative.. VB Barcode Integration Kit 2007 - Technical Support Visual Basic & VB.NET / Visual Basic / Miscellaneous Easily integrate barcodes into VB 6 and Visual Basic .NET applications with the VB Integration Kit. Several integration options are provided. Includes documentation and source code for both VB and VB Dotnet encoders. Supports.. Development / Libraries Functional Basic is a COM Library for Visual Basic 6.0 that implements higher order functions for lists (map, filter, foldr, foldl), functions (bind, compose) and anonymous functions constructed from strings with VB syntax (lambda). Vectric Aspire 8 for Windows is compatible with Windows XP, 8, Vista, 7, 8.1, and Windows 10. Vectric Aspire 8 System requirements are 1.0 GHz CPU, 512 MB RAM, and 100 MB Hard Disk free space. Which System Requirements are essential for Vectric Aspire 8 License Key? In short, it is best for modeling, drawing, and clipart. Tools / Compilers A visual scripting language programmed in visual basic 6.0. There is yet to be a compiler. In fact, this is an out dated version. I am now working on 1.2.3 Tools / Compilers BASIC 7, Free Open Source Replacement for Microsoft's Visual Basic 6.0 Tools / Compilers This is a very simple programing language developed using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. I can guarentee you that this is a unique language. This language has the concept of 'Class'. This language can only get better in near future. NGenerator Visual Class Designer 0.9.3 - Ngenerator NGenerator is a visual class designer that can be used to generate C# or Visual Basic .NET source code and project files. ASP.NET Tutorial: Count Records from.. - Count Records from SQL Server Database using ADO.NET, SQL, and Visual Basic.NET is a tutorial for those who needs to show the record count on the ASP page. In this tutorial author demonstrates it by calling the executescalar method. ASP.NET Tutorial: Upload Image Files.. - ASP.NET Tutorial: Upload Image Files using ASP.NET and Visual Basic.NET is a tutorial through which programmers can gain knowledge about allowing their visitors to upload images into their website. The author has written this source code in.. Create A .dll File with Visual Basic.. - Nongjian Zhou Users can learn about creating .dll file using Visual Basic and ASP. The author says that if users want any component they have to look some files with the extension of .dll (Dynamic Link Library), so here the author guides users to create .dll.. Debugging ActiveX Server Components.. - Debugging ActiveX Server Components in Visual Basic is a web based tutorial that deals with methods that have to be adapted by the users to execute debugging process in the ActiveX server component using VB. This article will be helpful for the.. How To Call SQL Server Stored.. - Microsoft Corporation How To Call SQL Server Stored Procedures in ASP.NET by Using Visual Basic.NET is an article which briefly explains the method of creating and executing the stored procedures of the Sql Server database in ASP.NET. The article demonstrates it by.. HOW TO: Create a Summary Row for a.. - Microsoft Corporation HOW TO: Create a Summary Row for a DataGrid in ASP.NET by Using Visual Basic .NET is an interesting article in which the author briefly describes about creating a summary row in the datagrid control using Visual Basic.NET. This article clearly.. HOW TO: Create a Web Control with an.. - Microsoft Corporation ASP.NET / Tips and Tutorials / Component & Controls HOW TO: Create a Web Control with an Expandable Property in the Designer by Using Visual Basic.NET is a tutorial in which the author shows the step-by-step process of creating a custom web control and adding the expandable property to it using the.. Ksoft Ecomm.Pro 1.0 - Ksoftdesign Software Development This is a program that comes with all basic features of a simple shopping cart program. Administrators can utilize this program to build shopping cart system with the capability to manage customer account and to track the orders. This program also.. Multithreaded Programming with Visual.. - Microsoft Corporation This VB.NET reference describes the advantages of multithreaded programming and how to use Visual Basic.NET to develop multithreaded applications. Multithreaded programing is a time consuming process and it reduces the idling time of CPU. This.. |